Apprenticeship Training in sorting and processing of fresh mushrooms, fruits, vegetables and herbs underway at BSP processing unit, Astak Office, Rondu- Skardu. The unit established as part of BSP's Green Decent Jobs for Socio-Economic Empowerment Project supported by ILO/CIDA.
Dr. Amena Hasan CEO Business for Social Progress visited the ILO Office at Islamabad and presented the products to Ms Munawar Sultana Senior Program Officer of ILO.
BSP Team along with Sir Ghulam Hasan Director Operations BSP and Dr. Amena Hasan CEO, BSP gathered for a Team Dinner celebrating EID ul Fitr.
Alhamdulillah..... With great pride and humility we want to share that BSP has been selected by a project commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. This project will facilitate access to EU market of the Premium quality wild mushrooms picked and processed through an ethical value chain established by BSP under its Green Decent Jobs for Socio-Economic Empowerment Project (GDJ4SEEP). GDJ4SEEP is a joint project of Business for Social Progress, International Labor Organization and Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada.
Mountain and Market team visited BSP head office. M&M had a positive and productive meeting with Dr. Amena Hasan CEO as well as visited the Product Design Unit.
Dr. Amena Hasan CEO Business for Social Progress attended the Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) and Medicinal and Aromatic (MAP) Exhibition At Swat Serena Hotel organized by the Mountains and Mountains Project (GoP/UNDP/gef).
Dr. Amena Hasan CEO Business for Social Progress attended the training session at NTFP Center Khanaspur for the TOT of Officers of Forest Dept. KPK.
Dr. Amena Hasan CEO Business for Social Progress attended Start-up Weekend Islamabad at Air University Islamabad as a Judge. BSP is a partner with Air University for the Start-up Weekend Islamabad.
Chief Conservator Forest/M&M Director KPK along with M&M Coordinator KPK visited BSP office in Lahore to discuss collaboration between GDJ4SEEP (BSP-ILO/FATDC) and M&M Project (UNDP/GEF/GoP). Hope this collaboration will strengthen both initiatives and help to promot sustainable harvesting of natural products.
IG Forest Mr. Mahmood Nasir has given his time from his busy schedule to visit BSP Head office Lahore. For encouraging BSP team for its hard work done on conservation of biodiversity.
ILO team visited the BSP field unit at Lasbela, Balochistan with Dr. Amena Hasan CEO Business for Social Progress. Visited various areas and met with the community members.